The road to self-love leads this way! Ready to shift your life?
I can give you a new perspective on life. You are the dream of your ancestors and your chance for a happy life. Sail with me!
happiness, freedom, energy, intuition, meditation, true self, purpose, love
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Welcome to the journey of creating a life that feels like home

My name is Magda and I work with the field. If you feel that you are not in your place in life, fear the new, do not believe in yourself, or have difficulty finding a solution to your current situation, I invite you to work together. I conduct individual sessions that help organize your affairs and find a course of action that leads to change.

I connect the spiritual with the material

When you feel free to express yourself, that is love. A beautiful state where the story of your life becomes your treasure. A place where there is no room for pretending. Where no one needs to be saved… The path to such love looks different for everyone. I invite you to join me in a journey that will help you align yourself toward this kind of love.